What is it about?
The pandemic is not only having an impact on physical wellbeing but also on the psychological level. As more and more people are forced to stay home in self-isolation, governments must take the necessary measures to provide mental health support as prescribed by experts.
In light of these exceptional circumstances, the project takes up the challenge to support society by putting creative balcony gardening as its focal point.
Adults and elderly people play an essential role in Europe’s civil society, and they are the most affected by the harmful effects of this pandemic.
Balcony gardening has the potential to increase the target groups’ health and wellbeing effectively.
It is suitable for boosting motivation, self-esteem, good for the earth, reduces stress, and can make people happier. Scientific evidence shows how gardening and being in a garden will help to keep you well.
Using plants to brighten up the terraces are not their only function, plants can be used in an innovative and creative way and can have useful purposes. The creative usage of greens is not well known or used in urban environments.
Objectives of cabbage:
The objective is to promote balcony gardening among adults in order to obtain the following benefits for them on a personal level and for the local communities:
- to reduce elevated levels of adverse mental health conditions, substance use, and suicidal ideation reported by adults
- to raise awareness of balcony gardening, environmental challenges and climate/change
- to develop competencies needed for a sustainable approach to life
- to develop methodologies for acquiring balcony gardening skills
- to test innovative practices from the project’s countries by implementing them in the base of the projects “green platform”
Project’s activities:
1. Three transnational meetings:
- a kick-off meeting – online,
- a mid-term meeting in Hungary,
- an evaluation meeting in Slovakia.
2. Development of two intellectual outputs:
- Balcony Gardening Creative Tutorial Videos
- Balcony Gardening E-learning Platform
There will be also eight multiplier events in all partner countries.
Meeting with the locals!
What comes to your mind if we say Balcony Gardening? Tomatoes, Plant curtains, cabbages? What do you find essential to have on your balcony? Crazy ideas to decorate your patio? ALL WELCOMED!
Thank you for joining our balcony check-up, the first local meeting to discuss your needs and ideas!